Disk Space
Find out more about what disk space is inside of the hosting field.
The disk space feature displays the overall volume of info that you are able to have on your cloud website hosting server at any time. With a desktop computer, for instance, this would be the capacity of a single hard drive or the full size of all of the hard drives in the event that the PC has more than one. The same way that the space on a PC is divided between installed computer programs, docs, your music and so on, the server hard disk space is shared between website files, databases and e-mail messages. Every file, folder or email message uses a little disk space on the server, which means you should take into account numerous factors, not just the size of the files that you will upload. To give an example, getting sizeable e-mail attachments or having a script-driven internet site in which the user-generated data is saved in a database also affects the space you're using.
Disk Space in Cloud Website Hosting
All our
cloud website hosting packages were developed with the notion that deficiency of storage space should not be a thing that can stop the development of your sites. Which is why we've taken an approach which is not the same as the one that most hosting providers take - rather than creating all the accounts on one server and eventually not having enough hard disk space, we use a cloud hosting platform in which the storage is taken care of by a wide collection of servers. That's why, we're able to add more machines whenever they're required or more hard drives, to be able to provide you with more disk space for the files of our users. Different clusters manage your e-mails as well as the databases, consequently not only will you be able to enhance your web sites not worrying about hdd space, but also all the servers will operate faster and better considering the fact that each service has its own space and one server doesn't handle different kinds of files.
Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Considering the fact that our
semi-dedicated server packages are very powerful, we've chosen by no means to restrict the disk space attribute when we have created them. Our reason is that when you employ a powerful package, it's very likely that you've got a good amount of web information, so each and every semi-dedicated server package offers you limitless hard disk capacity, which will enable you to center on enhancing your websites without be concerned whether you will match some quota. Your hosting account will be created using a cloud web hosting system where the files, databases and emails use their individual groups of servers, so not only will the machines function more efficiently for the reason that just a single type of system processes will run on them, but also you will never need to worry about the hard disk storage because we'll attach as many servers or hard drives to every single cluster as required.
Disk Space in Dedicated Servers Hosting
All of our
Linux dedicated servers hosting packages include a number of hard drives so as to suit the computing power you'll get, so you will never need to be concerned about not having enough hard disk storage. The drives can function in RAID, which means a drive can be a copy of another in order to ensure that all of your info will be protected, alternatively you can use it individually for even larger complete storage capability. Many hundreds of gigabytes of disk space will be at your disposal all the time, so you will be able to manage large websites, upload huge files and back up your archive. As a dedicated server is the most powerful form of website hosting, you'll be able to upload/download files with ultra fast speeds. When required, we also provide the option to include more HDDs and make use of even further storage space for your data. We supply three hosting Control Panels with our dedicated servers - using Hepsia, all your domains will share the total server space and they will be operated from a single place, whereas with DirectAdmin and cPanel you'll have the possibility to set up separate hosting accounts with pre-defined disk space quotas for each domain name hosted on your server.